Video Animation for the new campaign of NYeC
Client: New York eHealth Collaborative
Animation by Isabelle Duverger
Music Editing by Laia Cabrera
Laia Cabrera and Co. laiacabrera.com/company
The Patient Portal for New Yorkers will allow patients simple, secure online access to their personal health information, via the Statewide Health Information Network of New York (SHIN-NY). Currently, only providers can access this network, but this is about to change.
Similarly to the way online banking works, the patient portal will permit you to review the details of your own health records and medical history, empowering you to take charge of your health. As with secure online banking, your healthcare records are highly protected, and only available to be viewed by you, and the healthcare providers (or family members) to whom you grant consent.
“Consent” is the term used to describe giving formal access to someone to view your healthcare data. You can consent to allow a hospital access to your records, or just your primary care physician, family members, specialists, etc. You can add consents or revoke them at any time, via the patient portal website.
An additional security measure is built into the retrieval of your health records which exceeds the security of online banking: When you log on to the portal, you can see a list of every person who has accessed your records. This way, you have full control, not only of your records, but of who else has viewed them.