“Window with Vines” at Walk-Bye/JCAST Art Exhibit Canco Park Conservancy as part of Jersey City Art and Studio Tour| #walk_bye curated by Catalina Aranguren

"Within Reach" is an cinematic interactive art installation about transformation, reconnecting with the origin, nature and our relationship to it, created by filmmaker Laia Cabrera and visual artist Isabelle Duverger in collaboration with interactive designer Aniol Saurina Masó and composer Nana Simopoulos.
“Within Reach” is a public art installation in a private space.
You can experience the installation and transform it without having to touch anything, and you can interact freely while following the social distancing guidelines. That way, we were making possible art in times of COVID-19!
Also, one of our desire was to make the video installation visible from outside, so at night fall and all night, it is visible from the street... and during the day until 10pm, while still being visible from outside, people can come inside and interact with it.
Conceived as a seamless projection mapping design with gesture responsive interactivity, “Within Reach” invites the audience to actively enter the heart of the piece creating a story that unfolds across a series of immersive interactive scenarios. The installation is a sensory experience thought the elements, from the earth to the skies, from liquid shapes to seeds and visual metaphors, and the principle of change and transformation, where the line is blurred between the physical and the digital world, between the real and the imaginary.
Walk Through a Digital Wall of Nature and Mirrors in This Interactive Art Installation.
Thanks to this new interactive projection art installation, Within Reach, you can become a shape-shifting digital self inside the Art Wall at Coolvines Powerhouse. Only, instead of your image, it reveals an ephemeral body of swirling bubbles, shape of leaves, grains of barley and coffee, and moving particles.
We are far, minuscule, looking from above, but we are actors, actively morphing and shaping what we see. The sea is moving the trees, from the molecules to the exploration of nature and its fruits. “Within Reach” explores the soul of nature, it’s quietness and its power, fertility trough avatars being the fruits and seeds to the infinitesimal and the microscopic on a journey of landscapes and its enchanting beauty. The human presence is only visible at the beginning at gen end as a minuscule glimpse of looking at the skies, where coffee grains and bubbles are rain on our dreams.
Once you enter the installation space, a digital reflection of yourself appears in different shapes, textures and forms, and will follow your every move, transforming the projections-visuals as well. Place yourself in front and start waving or moving to see your mirrored image-avatar on the wall. The audience can affect change, create an avatar of themselves and discover ways to interact with the installation, embody the different storylines and share the experience with each other.
Art Wall Coolvines Powerhouse, 350 Warren Street with Morgan Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302
(2-min walk from PATH train stop Grove Street)
Until October 14, 12pm-Noon to 10pm to interact with the installation (visible as a video installation from outside from 12:00noon to 5:00am)
Two weeks ago we were about to launch the NYC version of Barcelona’s Sant Jordi Book Fair. There would be lit crawls in Chelsea and DUMBO, and bookstands and flower stalls in Madison Square. And concerts and guest authors. All swept away by COVID-19.
So. We’re went online. We’ve reinvented the festival as 32 hours of Sant Jordi NYC (Online). Four days of literature in translation, 8 hours a day, from April 23 to 26.
On Sant Jordi’s Day, Catalans celebrate St. George, the dragon slayer, who killed the fearsome beast to save the king’s daughter. For centuries, on this day, Catalan gentlemen would give their beloved a rose. In the 1920s the Catalan booksellers’ association added books into the mix and the Sant Jordi Book Festival was born. No longer gender-based, lovers, friends, and family now give one another books and roses. Valentine’s Day--for nerds. Knights and dragons and books and roses! How could a virus take us down?
32 Hours of Sant Jordi in New York is not only a literary offering, but an artistic and technological innovation. The web is designed by an extraordinary team of video artists and animators, Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger who have created a cityscape based on Madison Square, with the iconic Flatiron Building—which is shaped like an open book—at its heart. An online portal through which people can enter and choose an area of activity following different narratives, the site is innovative and interactive, incorporating live streaming of panel discussions, web-based AR experience, a virtual video mapping of the Flatiron with an original score composed by Nana Simopoulos, and the history of Sant Jordi as an immersive journey with augmented reality experiences that are accessed through a web browser rather than an app. Created in collaboration with interactive designer Aniol Saurina Masó, there will be thrilling visuals such as three-dimensional dragons that will chase user generated roses and books directly on the website.
“Falling Sky” is a collaboration between Nimbus Dance, Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger, and Qasim Naqvi.
“Falling Sky” conjures the lofty, spiritual realm of the skies, addressing the implications of a changing climate and natural world to our psyche and consciousness. It premiered at the New Jersey Performing Art Center - Victoria Theater on November 14, 2019 with live music from the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra.
Choreography: Nimbus Dance Artistic Director Samuel Pott
Video creation & Projection Mapping: Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Music Composition: Qasim Naqvi
Dancers: Giacomo Bavutti, Leigh Ann Curd, Justin Estelle, Mika Greene,
Derick McKoy, Jr., Isabele Rosso, Victoria Santaguida and Hannah Weeks
Live Music Performance for NJPAC: New Jersey Symphony Orchestra
Light Design: Ross Graham
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), Newark, NJ, USA - November 14, 2019
BAM Fisher, Brooklyn, NY - March 20-21, 2020 (Postponed)